About the services

Dial a ride

There are three dial a ride services which cover Godalming, Cranleigh and Haslemere. We offer a dial a ride service in Farnham but because of the way it is funded, it is known as Demand Responsive Transport (DRT).

You can book to be dropped off and picked up from anywhere within the zone you live. Popular destinations include local supermarkets, the library, day centres and other town centre locations.

Find out which zone you live in

Hoppa covers towns and villages in Waverley, Surrey. For efficiency, we have divided the borough into four zones. Check our quick reference guide to find out which service covers the area where you live.

Who can use the service

The service can be used by anybody who:

  • Does not have access to other means of transport
  • Lives in the Waverley area
  • Has registered their details with us.

When does the service operate

You can book to travel Monday to Friday from 9am.

The service does not operate on weekends or Bank holidays.

How much does it cost to travel

It costs £2 each way to travel on the dial a ride service in Cranleigh, Godalming and Haslemere.

Passengers with a valid bus pass can travel for free on the Farnham service. 

How does the dial a ride service work

When the hoppa bus arrives, the driver will briefly park up so he/she can collect you from your front door.

If you have a shopping trolley, the driver will stow it in a special area at the front of the bus.

Once you are safely seated, the bus will depart to pick up the next passenger – there are likely to be a number of other pick-ups.

Once everybody is on board, the driver will drop you off at your agreed drop-off point.

If you have booked a return journey, we will have agreed when and where we will pick you up. The driver will have a list of passengers who have booked the return journey, so they will be expecting you.

If you need some help with your shopping, the driver will carry it onto the bus for you.

When you arrive home, the driver will make sure you get off the bus safely and will see you to your front door.

How to book

See our bookings page for details about how to book.

Free transport for young people

We are taking part in a project to provide free transport to young people who find themselves missing out on sport and leisure activities because they have no means of travelling to the venue.

The project is being funded from the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. During the pilot, we are seeking to establish whether having a transport solution enables more young people to take part in sports clubs and activities and whether the opportunity to participate reduces the impact of isolation and loneliness in the younger generation.

The fund needs to be used by 31 March 2025 so if you think access to transport would enable more young people to take part and enjoy your activities, please contact us to register your interest or to find out more.

Hospital hoppa

Use Hospital hoppa to get to your medical appointment safely and on time. It is convenient, reliable and costs a fraction of a taxi fare.

Contract services

Our contract services are tailored to the specific needs of our client. To enquire about this service, please email us.

 For more details, prices and availability, please call our booking line number 01428 681701.